Sunday, November 14, 2010

French Bagueete

Salam Alaik,

Malam ni buat roti...lagi... keputusan yang diperolehi masih agak sama,walaupun terdapat beberapa perubahan positif yang diperolehi...

Namun untuk cadangan seterusnya adalah seperti resepi di bawah:
1. Campurkan yeast+air suam+campuran tepung/garam
2. kacau dan biarkan tepung bercampur dengan rata bersama air yeast
3. biarkan selama 3 jam dan di tutup dengan kain
4. campurkan tepung yang selebihnya
5. Uli selama 10 minit dengan sentiasa memercikkan sedikit tepung di permukaannya(mengurangkan melekat)
6. Bahagi 2 doh yang terhasil dan bentukkan kepada bentuk yang digemari. Biarkan selama 1 jam dan ditutup dengan kain
7. Panaskan oven kepada 240celcius, letakkan sedikit tepung di baking pan
8. Letakkan doh yang sudah naik ke atasnya, dan terus masukkan kedalam oven(yang sudah mempunyai semangkuk air)
9. Maasak selama 25 minit, selepas 15minit, keluarkan air yang dimasukkan. dan teruskan memasak selama 10 minit lagi.

Dah siap.
Sekian, selamat mencuba.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Amalan - amalan sunat dalam berpuasa

Puasa di bulan Ramadhan adalah antara Rukun Islam yang tertakluk kepada semua mukallaf.

Puasa adalah menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga dan perkara2 yang membatalkan puasa dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari.

Berikut adalah beberapa amalan sunat semasa berpuasa untuk mencapai kesempurnaan:-
1. Berbuka dengan memakan Rutob(kurma yang masih muda)
2. Berbuka dengan memakan Busrin(Kurma yang "merah")
3. Memakan tamar
4. Meminum air zam-zam
5. Meminum air biasa
6. Memakan Hulwu(Manisan yang tidak dimasak dengan api)
7. Memakan Halwa(Manisan yang dimasak dengan api e.g:kuih manis/bubur dll)
8. Tidak bertangguh dalam berbuka, dan melewatkan sahur(sehingga rubu' saah >< 10-15minit sebelum azan suboh)
9. Dimulai berbuka puasa dengan doa
10. Menjaga solat witir
Memperbanyakkan tilawah dan tadabbur(memikirkan maksud ayat Quran)
11. Memperbanyakkan solat - solat sunat e.g: Rawatib, Hajat, Dhuha, Taubat
12. Menjaga dengan bersungguh-sungguh hati dan anggota dari maksiat
13. Membanyakkan berdoa
14. Bersungguh sungguh di malam 10 terakhir ramadhan bagi mencari malam Lailatul Qadar(e.g: Puasa bermula pada hari ahad/Rabu, Laliatul Qadar dijangka pada 29)
15. Meniggalkan perkara yang sia-sia e.g mengumpat

CArilah puasa bagi khawas(Puasa kerana ALLAh dan berpuasa Zahir dan Batin dan i/Allah akan mendapat ganjaran), bukan sekadar orang awam(hanya terangkat tuntuatan puasa, tidak mendapat pahala dan hanya lapar dan dahaga) sahaja.

Di naqal dari kuliah Dhuha
Madrasah Allahyarham Ust. Ghaus

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hamburger & english Fries

  • 1lb/500g ground sirloin
  • 1 half onion grated or finely chopped
  • 4 pinches ground coriander(daun sup)
  • 4 pinches paprika powder
  • A dash of fresh ground black pepper
  • A pinch of salt
  • A tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 egg lightly beaten
  • mix everything in a bowl
  • shaping the mixed meat into 4 patties
  • stir fried the meat
  • put a cheese(Parmesan) on top of patties, when the stove is off, let it melt...
The characteristic:
  • Crisp on the outside
  • Soft on the inside
  • They are dry, i.e. not soggy(prepare prior to eating)
  • Fatter then french
  • Potatoes
  • Oil – Peanut oil is best.
  • Salt

Pizza sos

Pizza sos

Sos ini menggunakan rempah oregano & basil sedikit, cukup untuk 2 quarts.


3 tbsp. - Butter
16 oz. - Can of tomato puree
3 tbsp. - Olive oil
1 tsp. - Salt
3 cloves - Garlic, minced
1/4 tsp. - Black pepper
3 - Large yellow onions, minced
1 tsp. - Whole oregano
2 qts. - Canned whole Italian tomatoes
1 tsp. - Whole basil


In a Dutch oven or large skillet, melt the butter with the olive oil and slowly but completely sauté(masak sekali) the garlic and onion.

Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, basil and puree. Bring to a boil, then simmer covered for two hours. Stir occasionally, crushing the tomatoes with a potato masher.

Continue to mash, stir, and simmer partially covered until the sauce reaches the consistency of a rich soup.

If you find you have too many or too large tomato seeds left in the sauce, you may run the sauce through a sieve, (strainer). Set the sauce aside to cool or refrigerate before applying it to your pizza dough.

Make own sausage

Simple Sausage Recipe


5# - Coarse ground beef butt or tenderloin
3 tsp. - Fennel seed
3 tsp. - Cumin, ground
2 tsp. - White pepper
1 1/2 tsp. - Sage leaves, ground
5 - Garlic cloves, pressed or finely diced
3 tsp. - Salt
1 cup - White wine


Combine all ingredients, mix well and stuff into hog casings or make patties.

For pizzas, save in bulk. Pinch bite-sized pieces of raw sausage from the batch and add as the final topping to your pizza before baking.

Enough for 10 - 8 oz. links or 20 - 4 oz. links.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Solat Jama' & Qasar

Rukhsah(keringanan) mengerjakan solat adalah satu pemberian/hadiah dari Allah kepada hambanya dalam musafir yang harus, sunat atau wajib.

Solat Qasar : Solat yang dipendekkan. Hanya solat 4 rakaat sahaja yang boleh diqasarkan.
Solat Jama' : Menghimpunkan 2 solat dalam satu waktu. Solat yang boleh dijamak kan adalah solat zuhur bersama asar dan maghrib bersama isya'. Solat subuh tidak boleh dihimpunkan kepada mana2 waktu(kalau subuh gajah/dinosour...namanya Qada'). solat asar tidak boleh dijamakkan bersama maghrib kerana ia tidak pernah dilakukan oleh Nabi S.A.W dan para sahabat.

Bagi yang terlepas solat jama' Qasar sewaktu musafir perlu mengQada' solat nyer dengan jama' qasar jua.

Jama' & Qasar tidak boleh berimamkan dengan imam solat tamam(sempurna).


Terima Kasih.

* tulisan ini adalah hasil nuqilan dari Kuliyah Tuan Guru Dato' Haron Din di Darus Syifa'
& Buku tulisan beliau jua(menjawab persoalan fiqah harian).

Sunday, July 25, 2010

PIzza dough

Salam Alaik,

Nak try buat dengan recipe yang ini:-

Classic Pizza
Dough making


1 - 1/4 Oz Envelop - Active Dry Yeast, (or 2 1/4 Tsp)
1 1/2 Cups - Warm Water (110°F -115°F)
4 Cups - Bread Flour
1 1/2 Tsp. - Salt
2 Tbsp. - Olive Oil
1 Tbsp. - Sugar

Extra flour
Extra Olive Oil


Pour the warm water in a large mixing bowl. Add the sugar and package of yeast. Stir the mixture until dissolved. Let the mixture sit to allow the yeast to become "active," (for about ten minutes). The mixture will appear to be foamy and clouded, and, it will begin to release a familiar, "yeasty" aroma.

Add the salt and olive oil and stir again to combine the ingredients.

Add 1 cup of flour to the mixture and whisk in until dissolved.

Add the second cup of flour and whisk it in until the mixture is smooth.

Add the 3rd cup of flour and combine evenly. The dough mixture should now be fairly thick.

Add the last cup and flour and, with your hands, begin to combine and knead the dough.

You may need to add a dusting of flour from time to time to reduce the stickiness of the dough. Be patient, folding the dough mixture in on itself, over and over again.

When the flour has absorbed all of the moisture and congealed into a firm mass, remove it from the bowl to a floured tabletop to knead it.

Keep folding the mass in half, then in quarters, for perhaps 8 to 10 minutes or so. The dough ball will eventually loose its stickiness, and become pliable and elastic. Kneading is complete when the dough transforms into a silky, smoothly-textured ball slightly larger than a large grapefruit.

Coat the dough ball with a thin layer of olive oil, and place it in the bottom of a large mixing bowl which has also been coated on the inside with olive oil. Stretch a piece of kitchen film over the top of the bowl and set it in a warm place such an as un-lit oven, (ambient temperature of 70° F to 80° F). Allow the dough to rise, undisturbed, for 60 to 75 minutes. The dough will have grown to at least twice its original size.

Take the raised dough mass out of the bowl and cut it in half with a knife.

Take the raw dough portions and separately pat them down flat on a cutting board to press out and release the air that has developed inside them. Hand-mold each portion into a ball, smoothing the outer surface and tucking each portion into itself from underneath. (This action can be likened to stuffing or folding a sock into itself.) Set the two dough balls apart, momentarily, and consider the next steps.

If you choose to continue with making the pizzas now, (recommended), here's how.

Some dough makers "proof," (or re-raise), the dough balls at this point. They can be set apart in bowls or plastic trays and covered at room temperature, to "rest" for an additional 15 or 20 minutes, if you wish. Some recipes call for up to an additional hour of "proofing."

For practical purposes, this pizza dough recipe does not have to be put through a complete second rise cycle.

Try this alternative. Working with the dough at room temperature, roll out each dough ball into a 3/8" thick circle, about 14" in diameter. "Pan" the dough into a pizza pan, then let the panned dough "proof" for 5 to 10 minutes in the pan before adding your sauce, cheese and toppings. This step will give the dough a chance to "blossom," resulting in a thicker, fuller and chewier crust edge.

If you wish to store the dough for later use, by either freezing or refrigeration, you can place the dough balls in zip-lock bags. Squirt a little olive oil into each of the bags to keep the balls moist and pliable and to ease removal when ready for use. If you choose to freeze or refrigerate: the dough balls may continue to rise until they are substantially cooled down or frozen, which is OK as long as they don't break out of their bags. If they do, mold them back down into balls and re-bag them.

When you are ready to used the stored dough, allow the dough to warm, (thaw), to room temperature before attempting to roll out and pan.

The refrigerated dough balls, (held at 36°F to 42°F), should remain usable for 24 to 48 hours, but will begin to "deteriorate" or "ferment," thereafter.

Frozen dough balls, (held at -10°F to 0°F), should remain usable considerably longer, weeks perhaps, as long as they are well-wrapped, (to prevent freezer burn), and are air-tight.